Delta Roofing has built long-term relationships with clients by focusing on integrity and high-quality workmanship.
Take a look at a few of our satisfied customers and successfully completed Perth Roofing projects.

Fremantle Leisure Pool

B Shed Fremantle

16 Unit Complex

CSIRO Plant Rooms

Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse - Battery Shed

Queen St & High St

JC1 Transfer Tower

Hurricane Paddling Club

Riverview Church

AMCAP Roof Remediation

South Perth Yacht Club

Slip St. BU113 – BU116
Swan View SHS

Good Sammy Canning Vale

Operations Centre - City of Melville

Gage Roads Fremantle

Crompton Road Rockingham
Koolinda House

East St Jetty Bar
Arbor Grove Primary School

Girrawheen Strata Complex

Fremantle Port Authority

KBJ Transfer Tower

Carey Baptist College

Ron Mack Machinery

Claremont Aquatic Centre

Mid West Ports - Geraldton
Perenjori Town Hall

Sandfire Resources

Ironman - New Works

Kensington Child Care Centre

Haymen Theatre Curtin University

Kelmscott Senior High School

Woodman Point

Wirrabirra Primary School

KBJ Clinker Conveyor Tower Kwinana

Roof Remediation
Mid West Ports - Equipment Shed

Fremantle Netball Association